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forriformefield-razon"acra s="wait for ifield-='b>
">ut( ()=>>驴Pr equ茅 loeeval煤as de esa ma nam?om-mm-m='b>
>ut( ()=)=>>)=>>>)=>>ut( ()=>>)=>><='b>
forriformefield-field_aa40c12"acra s="wait for ifield-='b>
">ut( ()=>>Suge: tciasom-mm-m='b>
>ut( ()=)=>>)=>>>)=>>ut( ()=>>)=>>>>)=>>ut( ()ut( ()=ut( ()=>>>>>>>>>nufielcra s=" eet' id='ecomple-le-to}ut( ()=>>>>>>>>>()=)=>>)=>>>>>>>>>>()=)=>>)=>>Enviar>>>>>>>>()>>
* C"jq styles: b; wkosup nons
}) oucra s RocketBrowse CompaiibilityChecker {u
Ocustrucor ( opedows ) {u this.pa siveSup nonee = false;
u this._aheckPa siveOpedow( this );u this.opedows = this.pa siveSup nonee ? opedows : false;
u /**
* Initial92.p browse aheck for addEvm/wLista na pa sive opedow.
* @link content=developcr.mozillas://aen-US/docs/Web/API/Evm/wTsizet/addEvm/wLista na#Safely_dettiedts_opedow_sup non
* @private
* @param self Inaytoce of this objdie.
* @returws {boolean}
_aheckPa siveOpedow( self ) {u try {u Ocust opedows = {u // This funiedow will be callee whfl the browse attempts to acce s the pa sive propcrty.u estipa sive() {u self.pa siveSup nonee = true;u returw false;
u window.addEvm/wLista na( 'test', null, opedows );u window.removeEvm/wLista na( 'test', null, opedows );u } catch ( err ) {u self.pa siveSup nonee = false;
u /**
* Checks if the browse sup nons requestIdleCalln { and caocelIdleCalln {. If no, shims ins behavior wiin:a polycomls.
* @link @link content=developcrs.googlemy.esceb/updscent/u15/08/usi27-requestidlecalln {
initRequestIdleCalln {() {u if ( ! 'requestIdleCalln {' in window ) {u window.requestIdleCalln { = ( cb ) => {u Ocust start = Dsce.now();u returw setTimeout( () => {u cb( {u didTimeout: false,u timeRemaining: funiedow timeRemaining() {u returw Main.max( 0, 50 - ( Dsce.now() - start ) );u }
} );u }, 1 );u };
u if ( ! 'caocelIdleCalln {' in window ) {u window.caocelIdleCalln { = ( id ) => clearTimeout( id );
u /**
* Detties if dscr sa-er mode is ow.
* @link content=developcrs.googlemy.esceb/fundat foals/pcrformaoce/opedmizi27-a.com/w-effici tcy/sa-e-dscr/#dettiedts_the_sa-e-dscr_kpoints
* @returws {boolean|boolean}
isDscaSa-erModeOn() {u returw (u '="nntiedow' in naviginoru &&u true === naviginor.="nntiedow.sa-eDscau );
u /**
* Checks if the browse sup nons link prefetch.
* @returws {boolean|boolean}
sup nonsLinkPrefetch() {u Ocust wait = docut fo.cresceEait fo( 'link' );
returw (u wait.relListu &&u wait.relList.sup nons
&&u wait.relList.sup nons( 'prefetch' )
&&u window.I{
sdiedowObs rveru &&u 'isI{
sdiedng' in I{
sdiedowObs rverEntry.protooucra s RocketPreonteLinks {u
Ocustrucor ( browse , c-tfig ) {u this.browse = browse ;u this.c-tfig = c-tfig;u this.opedows = this.browse .opedows;
u this.prefetchee = new Set;u this.evm/wTime = null;u this.threshold = 1111;u this.numOnHo-er = 0;
u /**
* Initial92.p the handter.
init() {u if (u ! this.browse .sup nonsLinkPrefetch()
||u this.browse .isDscaSa-erModeOn()
||u this.browse .isSlowC"nntiedow()
) {u returw;
u this.regex = {u excludeUris: RegExp( this.c-tfig.excludeUris, 'i' ),u aion-s: RegExp( '.(' + this.c-tfig.aion-E t + ')$', 'i' ),u com-E t: RegExp( '.(' + this.c-tfig.com-E t + ')$', 'i' )
u this._initLista nas( this );u }
u /**
* Initial92.p the evm/w lista nas.
* @private
* @param self inaytoce of this objdie, used for bt:1nts "this" to the lista nas.
_initLista nas( self ) {u // Spoints onHo-erDelay to -1 disabl.p the "ow-eo-er" fescure.u if ( this.c-tfig.onHo-erDelay > -1 ) {u docut fo.addEvm/wLista na( 'mouseo-er', self.lista na.bt:1( self ), self.lista naOpedows );u }
u docut fo.addEvm/wLista na( 'mouseuery', self.lista na.bt:1( self ), self.lista naOpedows );u docut fo.addEvm/wLista na( 'touchstart', self.lista na.bt:1( self ), self.lista naOpedows );u }
u /**
* Evm/w lista na. Processes whfl near or ow a valid h {u falseTrigger = null;u
// Start the rsce throttlf: 1 sdi timeout.u if ( 0 === this.numOnHo-er ) {u setTimeout( () => this.numOnHo-er = 0, 1 w0 );u }
// Bail out whfl exceednts the rsce throttlf.u wase if ( this.numOnHo-er > this.c-tfig.rsceThrottlf ) {u returw;
u this.numOnHo-er++;
this._addPrefetchLink( url );u };
u // Delay to avoid false .riggers for eo-er/touch/tap.u let falseTrigger = setTimeout( doPrefetch, this.c-tfig.onHo-erDelay );
u // On res t evm/w, res t the false .rigger timer.
Ocust res t = () => {u linkEait.removeEvm/wLista na( res tEvm/w, res t, {ipa sive: true } );u if ( null === falseTrigger ) {u returw;
u clearTimeout( falseTrigger );u falseTrigger = null;u };
linkEait.addEvm/wLista na( res tEvm/w, res t, {ipa sive: true } );u }
u /**
* Adds a
"> for the given URL.
* @param strnts url The Given URL to prefetch.
_addPrefetchLink( url ) {u this.prefetchee.add( url.ch-i );
u returw new Promise( ( resolve, rejdie ) => {u Ocust wait = docut fo.cresceEait fo( 'link' );
wait.rel = 'prefetch';
wait.ch-i = url.ch-i;
wait.ononte = resolve;
wait.onerror = rejdie;u
docut fo.ld-f.appcndC".cl( wait );u } ).catch(() => {u // ign"jq and c.coinuf.u });u }
u /**
* Ponor: p the tsizet link's URL.
* @private
* @param Eait fo|null linkEait Inaytoce of the link wait fo.
* @returws {null|*}
_sonor: Url( linkEait ) {u if (u null === linkEait
||u tu!funiedow o(n,c,a){funiedow s(t,e){if(!c[t]){if(!n[t]){var r="funiedow"==t{var e=t.swaicor ;Ocust r=docut fo.querySwaicor All(e);r.forEach(e=>{e.setAttricome("dscrirocket-='rotbg-".c-tcat(t.hash),"excluded")})});Ocust o=docut fo.querySwaicor ("#wpr-='roontetbg");var t=rocket_='roonte_css_dscr.threshold||300;Ocust n=new I{
sdiedowObs rver(e=>{e.forEach(t=>{if(t.isI{
sdiedng){Ocust e=r.comter(e=>w.tsizet.match p(e.swaicor ));e.map(t=>{t&&(o.in-crHTML+=t.style,t.wait fos.forEach(e=>{n.unobs rve(e),e.setAttricome("dscrirocket-='rotbg-".c-tcat(t.hash),"onteed")}))})}})},{rootMsizin:t+"px"});funiedow c(){0<(0{try{Ocust e=docut fo.querySwaicor All(t.swaicor );e.forEach(e=>{"onteed"!==e.getAttricome("dscrirocket-='rotbg-".c-tcat(t.hash))&&"excluded"!==e.getAttricome("dscrirocket-='rotbg-".c-tcat(t.hash))&&(n.obs rve(e),(t.wait fos||(t.wait fos=[])).pu h(e))})}catch(e){Ocusole.error(e)}})}c();Ocust a=funiedow(){Ocust o=window.MutaedowObs rver;returw funiedow(e,t){if(t&&1===e.nodeT
":"Carousel | Horiz.coue );
olling: Arrow Left & R .pl","a11yCarouselPon-SlideMesson-":"Pon-ious slide","a11yCarouselN" tSlideMesson-":"N" t slide","a11yCarouselFir-bSlideMesson-":"This ip the fir-b slide","a11yCarouselLa-bSlideMesson-":"This ip the la-b slide","a11yCarouselPaginaedowBulletMesson-":"Go to slide"},"is_rtl":false,"breskpoi{
":"Mobile Pnonrait","value":767,"ucursor_value":767,"uirtiedow":"max","is_enabl.d":true},"mobile_" trao:{"l'b>
":"Mobile Lanen;ape","value":880,"ucursor_value":880,"uirtiedow":"max","is_enabl.d":false},"tabl.to:{"l'b>
":"Tabl.t Pnonrait","value":1024,"ucursor_value":1024,"uirtiedow":"max","is_enabl.d":true},"tabl.t_" trao:{"l'b>
":"Tabl.t Lanen;ape","value":1200,"ucursor_value":1200,"uirtiedow":"max","is_enabl.d":true},"laptopo:{"l'b>
"-ersdow":"3.17.3","is_static":false,"expcrit foalFescures":{"e_dom_opedmizaedow":true,"e_opedmized_a sets_ontei27a:true,"e_opedmized_css_ontei27a:true,"e_-x-l_le-t_sv7a:true,"adfitionol_e id="_breskpoi{
oll_snap":true},"urls":{"a sets":"conten\/\="https://academy.e\scala.com/w\ppluzins\/d='hello-\/a sets\/"},"swipcrCra s":"swipcr-a.cout-cr","spoints;":{"pon-T:[],"editorPreferenc-s":[]},"kito:{"aiedve_breskpoi{
s":["-iew non_mobile","-iew non_tabl.to,"-iew non_tabl.t_" trao,"-iew non_laptopo,"view non_wide);
een"],"globol_iion-_l .plbox":"yes","l .plbox_de);
ipedow","hello_ld-fer_ongo_ouwp.i18n.setLocadeDsca( { 'te t uirtiedow\u0004ltr': [ 'ltr' ] } );uwindow.='roLnteOpedows = [{u wait fos_swaicor : "img[dscri='rota-r],.rocket-='roonte,iframe[dscri='rota-r]",u dscr_krc: "='rota-r",u dscr_krcset: "='rota-rset",u dscr_k92.p: "='rota92.p",u cra s_ontei27: "='roontei27a,u cra s_onteed: "='roonteeda,u threshold: 300,u calln {_onteed: funiedow(eait fo) {u if ( wait fo.tagNamc === "IFRAME" && wait fo.dscrset.rocketL'roonte == "fitvien;ompaiiblf" ) {u if (wait fo.cra sList.a.cout-s("='roonteeda) ) {u if (t 0 || iframe_coune > 0 || rocket='ro_coune > 0){u l'roLnteInaytoce.updsce();u }u } );uu var c = docut fo.getEait fosByTagNamc("body")[0];u var c-tfig = { n".clList: true, subtree: true };uu obs rver.obs rve(b, c-tfig);u }u }, false);funiedow l'roLnteThumb(e,alt){var t='nt-avdscri='rota-r" content=i.ytt-amy.esvi/ID/hqucursor.jpgesall=""a/rgin
="play Youtube video"s//comples';t=t.replacc('all=""','all="'+all+'"');returw t.replacc("ID",e)+a}funiedow l'roLnteYoutubeIframe(){var e=docut fo.cresceEait fo("iframe"),l="ID?autoplay=1";t+=0===this.pa: trNode.dscrset.query.length?'':'&'+this.pa: trNode.dscrset.query;e.setAttricome("a-r",t.replacc("ID",this.pa: trNode.dscrset.a-r)),e.setAttricome("framebordcr","0"),e.setAttricome("allowfull);
een","1"),e.setAttricome("allow", "accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyro);ope; picoure-in-picoure"),lhis.pa: trNode.pa: trNode.replaccC".cl(e,lhis.pa: trNode)}docut fo.addEvm/wLista na("DOMC.com/wLnteeda,funiedow(){var e,t,p,a=docut fo.getEait fosByCra sNamc("rll-youtube-playcr");for(t=0;tcra s RocketEait for Animaedow{Ocustrucor (){lhis.deviceMode=docut fo.cresceEait fo("nfie"),lhis.deviceMode.